연세대학교 산업공학과
시스템 모델링 및 최적화 연구실
| 진행중인 연구과제
연구과제명 | 순차적인 확률적 의사결정 문제 해결을 위한 기계학습과 수리계획법의 융합에 기반한 지도 최적화 방법론 개발
연구책임자: 권순걸
사업명: 우수신진연구사업/한국연구재단
연구기간: 2023.03.01.-2026.02.28.
연구과제명 | 전력 및 에너지 시스템의 최적 운영을 위한 머신러닝 기반 확률적 최적화 프레임워크 개발
연구책임자: 권순걸
사업명: 미래선도연구사업/연세대학교
연구기간: 2022.05.01.-2025.04.30.
Binghamton University (2018-2021)
Mail-Order Pharmacy Analysis and Design: Simulation, Quotation Process, and Industry 4.0 Implementations," Funded by iA, 05/17/2021-05/13/2022, Awarded Amount: $399,383. (Co-PI with Srihari, K., Yoon, S.W., and Wang, Y.)
Application Engineering Support for Technical Solutions in Battery Energy Storage Systems, Funded by EOS Energy Enterprise, 02/01/2021-01/31/2022, Awarded Amount: $65,374. (Co-PI with Srihari, K. and Wang, Y.)
Battery Performance Degradation Prediction and Market Bidding Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Optimization, Funded by GE Renewable Energy, 02/01/2021-01/31/2022, Awarded Amount: $64,643. (Co-PI with Srihari, K. and Wang, Y.)
Development of a Simulation-Based Pharmacy Automation Systems Test Environment Integrated with Virtual Machine Emulators," Funded by iA, 01/25/2021-01/21/2022, Awarded Amount: $198,847. (Co-PI (33% Credited) with Srihari, K. and Yoon, S.W.)
Machine Learning Driven Battery Energy Storage Operations Control, Funded by Transdisciplinary Areas of Excellence (TAE) - Smart Energy (SE) Seed Grant Program, Binghamton University, 06/01/2020-05/31/2021, Awarded Amount: $25,000. (PI with Zhang, Z.)
Large-Volume Central Fill Pharmacy System Automation Using Simulation, Optimization, Data Analytics, and Industry 4.0 Principles," Funded by iA, 05/18/2020-05/17/2021, Awarded Amount: $398,501. (Co-PI with Srihari, K. and Yoon, S.W.)